Hon. Eugene Mussolini: promotion of rights of people with disabilities our responsibility

Eugene Mussolini born in December 24, 1977 he is a Rwandan politician. Since 2019, Mussolini has served as a member of the Chamber of Deputies, holding the parliamentary seat reserved for people with disabilities.

From a humble beginning, he started championing for the rights of people with disabilities for example about the social inclusion and livelihoods of persons with disabilities.

This included the rights to access to health services, land ownership, education, sports and even access to financial services like bank loans only to mention a few.

He used his parliamentary seat to advocate for these rights which in the beginning were barley available. The laws protecting the people with disabilities were introduced and the bills were passed by the parliament by large margin.

“I served Rwandans in general during my first term as an MP standing for people with disabilities and am proud of it.

I would again ask for votes to continue to serve Rwandans for the second term especially people with disabilities.” says Member of Parliament Eugene Mussolini.

Article 76 of the Rwandan Constitution it states that Deputies are elected for a term of office of five years. They may be re-elected for additional terms.

The Executive Secretary, Emmanuel NDAYISABA, National Council of Persons with Disabilities (NCPD). Says; “the NCPD has a National mandate of advocacy and mobilization on issues affecting people with disabilities in order to build their capacity and ensure their participation in the national development and Honorable Mussolini has been our good partner in this journey we appreciate working with him.”

According to the National Census, among those aged over 5 years, there were almost 450,000 persons with disabilities in Rwanda, which corresponds to approximately 5 per cent of the total population above the age of 5.

By Kayitare Jean B.

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